FEMLINK & 1000Peace Women,
Pameran bersama, Video Art dari Filmmaker Perempuan FEMLINK dan KARTUPOS 1000Peace Women (dari seluruh dunia).
CCF Jakarta
Salemba Raya (Seberang kampus UI)
15 Desember - 5 Januari 2008
Hubungi : Olin 0815 19002185
Sabtu, 15 Desember 2007
Rabu, 19 September 2007
Press Release 21 September Int. Peace Day: PeaceWomen Across the Globe Celebrate International Day of Peace by Organising Exhibitions and Peace Events

Press Release
International Day of Peace, 21 September 2007
PeaceWomen Across the Globe Celebrate International Day of Peace by Organising Exhibitions and Peace Events
Violence has many grimaces, human security many faces. The United Nations declared the International Day of Peace as a day of global ceasefire and an invitation to honour a cessation of hostilities. PeaceWomen Across the Globe oppose violence. At today’s International Day of Peace , we invite all to inform themselves about women’s efforts for justice and a future worth living, and to support their peace projects.
PeaceWomen Across the Globe is a network of women experts for human security and justice. The women live and work in regions affected by violence, war and injustice. “We call on political bodies and decision-makers to consider women’s knowledge and experience, be that at the local, regional or international level”, says Ruth-Gaby Vermot, the Swiss President of PeaceWomen Across the Globe. Only thus can we achieve the slogan “Another world is possible”, which thousands of participants at the World Social Forum in Nairobi put forward. This is also our motivation, beyond this year’s International Day of Peace.
The exhibition 1000 PeaceWomen Across the Globe is our platform for reflecting on peace locally. Our notion of peace recognizes that lasting peace is more than the prevention of war and abuse of power by political means, democratic institutions or the rule of law. That is, the efforts of states are not enough and may not be the most effective for the realization of peace. We believe that any genuine concern for peace must recognize the everyday life as the site of contestation for a deeper understanding of the work in the building of affective bonds and cooperative relations among people and between people and nature – work essential for the guarantee of lasting peace. For instance, in Baku, Azerbaijan, where peacewomen from different Central Asian countries are compiling a training programme about the culture of peace. Or in Braila, Romania, where peacewomen from Romania and its neighbouring countries have come together to discuss urgent topics on violence. Or in Corrientes, Argentina, where peacewomen are organising a conference in the house of human rights “Curuzú Cuatiá”. Or in Delhi, India, where grassroots women are organising a peace celebration, in order to support themselves mutually.
“In Mali and Niger we would be happy if today would bring about a cessation of hostilities. People could cross the borders and visit the exhibition”, says our coordinator in Mali, Fatoumata Maiga. “But today, like every day, exploding mines will continue to maim people.”
We are deeply concerned about the wars and armed conflicts raging in many places in the world, which continues to displace and ravage the lives of millions of people especially women and children. We appeal to the international community to do everything in its power to end Israeli occupation in Palestine, to call on the USA to withdraw from Iraq, to stop the outrages in Sudan. PeaceWomen Across the Globe demand urgently that imminent escalations be prevented with all means and that wars and territorial occupations cease.
In 2005, PeaceWomen Across the Globe succeeded the project 1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize. Its goal is to make women, who for the benefit of peace often risk their own security, more visible, more appreciated and better protected. Their expert opinions must flow into all decision-making processes. For further information: http://www.1000peacewomen.org/.
Contact in Switzerland: Ruth-Gaby Vermot-Mangold, +41 (0)79 345 58 18
Maren Haartje and Agota Hasenfratz, PeaceWomen Across the Globe, +41 (0)31 312 02 40
International Day of Peace, 21 September 2007
PeaceWomen Across the Globe Celebrate International Day of Peace by Organising Exhibitions and Peace Events
Violence has many grimaces, human security many faces. The United Nations declared the International Day of Peace as a day of global ceasefire and an invitation to honour a cessation of hostilities. PeaceWomen Across the Globe oppose violence. At today’s International Day of Peace , we invite all to inform themselves about women’s efforts for justice and a future worth living, and to support their peace projects.
PeaceWomen Across the Globe is a network of women experts for human security and justice. The women live and work in regions affected by violence, war and injustice. “We call on political bodies and decision-makers to consider women’s knowledge and experience, be that at the local, regional or international level”, says Ruth-Gaby Vermot, the Swiss President of PeaceWomen Across the Globe. Only thus can we achieve the slogan “Another world is possible”, which thousands of participants at the World Social Forum in Nairobi put forward. This is also our motivation, beyond this year’s International Day of Peace.
The exhibition 1000 PeaceWomen Across the Globe is our platform for reflecting on peace locally. Our notion of peace recognizes that lasting peace is more than the prevention of war and abuse of power by political means, democratic institutions or the rule of law. That is, the efforts of states are not enough and may not be the most effective for the realization of peace. We believe that any genuine concern for peace must recognize the everyday life as the site of contestation for a deeper understanding of the work in the building of affective bonds and cooperative relations among people and between people and nature – work essential for the guarantee of lasting peace. For instance, in Baku, Azerbaijan, where peacewomen from different Central Asian countries are compiling a training programme about the culture of peace. Or in Braila, Romania, where peacewomen from Romania and its neighbouring countries have come together to discuss urgent topics on violence. Or in Corrientes, Argentina, where peacewomen are organising a conference in the house of human rights “Curuzú Cuatiá”. Or in Delhi, India, where grassroots women are organising a peace celebration, in order to support themselves mutually.
“In Mali and Niger we would be happy if today would bring about a cessation of hostilities. People could cross the borders and visit the exhibition”, says our coordinator in Mali, Fatoumata Maiga. “But today, like every day, exploding mines will continue to maim people.”
We are deeply concerned about the wars and armed conflicts raging in many places in the world, which continues to displace and ravage the lives of millions of people especially women and children. We appeal to the international community to do everything in its power to end Israeli occupation in Palestine, to call on the USA to withdraw from Iraq, to stop the outrages in Sudan. PeaceWomen Across the Globe demand urgently that imminent escalations be prevented with all means and that wars and territorial occupations cease.
In 2005, PeaceWomen Across the Globe succeeded the project 1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize. Its goal is to make women, who for the benefit of peace often risk their own security, more visible, more appreciated and better protected. Their expert opinions must flow into all decision-making processes. For further information: http://www.1000peacewomen.org/.
Contact in Switzerland: Ruth-Gaby Vermot-Mangold, +41 (0)79 345 58 18
Maren Haartje and Agota Hasenfratz, PeaceWomen Across the Globe, +41 (0)31 312 02 40
Kamis, 06 September 2007
Opening Ceremony of 1000 PeaceWomen Postcards Exhibition

OPENING CEREMONY PICTURES 6 September, National Archives, Jakarta
The Face of 1000 PeaceWomen Postcards Exhibition
The Opening ceremony:
MC: Debra YAtim
Film Screening: The indigenous women of Mollo, NTT (film by RAGAM & PWAG)
Speeches: The Swiss Embassy, Ministry of Law & Human Rights & IMPARSIAL
Music by: Reda & Ari (acoustic poetry music)
Music by: Lita (the Indonesian Women Coalition)
Poetries Reading: Tiara Aurelia Widjanarko & Peggy Melati Sukma
Official Opening by: The Ministry of Women Empowerment (Mrs. Prof DR. Meutia Hatta Swasono).
Senin, 27 Agustus 2007
Minggu, 19 Agustus 2007
Agenda Pameran Wajah 1000 Peacewomen
AGENDA ACARA PAMERAN WAJAH 1000 Perempuan Perdamaian
6 Sept:
Kedutaan Besar Swiss, Wakil dari Menteri Hukum dan HAM, Wakil Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan, wakil dari 1000 Peace Women (ibu Nursyahbani Katjasungkana, Ade Rostina Sitompul, Yusan Yeblo, Esthi S. Hudiono).
MC: Debra Yatim/Tiara Aurelia
Musik: Reda-Ari (akustik musik)
Bintang Tamu: Peggy Melati Sukma
8 Sept: 10.00- 15.30 PEMUTARAN FILM 1000 Peace Women (dari Association of 1000PeaceWomen) , film TALA BAI dari Komnas Perempuan, film Shawalat Gender dari lembaga RAHIMA, film tentang Perempuan Aceh dari sekretariat PEKKA.
10 Sept:
10.00 - 14.00 PEMUTARAN FILM
* Film tentang perempuan Mollo, NTT
* Film tentang perempuan Papua
* Film tentang perempuan India (1000 Peace Women)
Diskusi sesi 1: "Pendidikan bagi perempuan, HAM dan perdamaian di daerah konflik dan atau paska bencana". Pembicara: Nani Zulminarni Jakarta, Ciciek Farha dan Nursyahbani Katjasungkana (wakil dari kebijakan.
Diskusi sesi 2: "Perlindungan bagi para perempuan pekerja HAM dan Perdamaian". Pembicara: Ade Rostina Sitompul, Yusan Yeblo, Galuh Wandita.
6 Sept:
Kedutaan Besar Swiss, Wakil dari Menteri Hukum dan HAM, Wakil Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan, wakil dari 1000 Peace Women (ibu Nursyahbani Katjasungkana, Ade Rostina Sitompul, Yusan Yeblo, Esthi S. Hudiono).
MC: Debra Yatim/Tiara Aurelia
Musik: Reda-Ari (akustik musik)
Bintang Tamu: Peggy Melati Sukma
8 Sept: 10.00- 15.30 PEMUTARAN FILM 1000 Peace Women (dari Association of 1000PeaceWomen) , film TALA BAI dari Komnas Perempuan, film Shawalat Gender dari lembaga RAHIMA, film tentang Perempuan Aceh dari sekretariat PEKKA.
10 Sept:
10.00 - 14.00 PEMUTARAN FILM
* Film tentang perempuan Mollo, NTT
* Film tentang perempuan Papua
* Film tentang perempuan India (1000 Peace Women)
Diskusi sesi 1: "Pendidikan bagi perempuan, HAM dan perdamaian di daerah konflik dan atau paska bencana". Pembicara: Nani Zulminarni Jakarta, Ciciek Farha dan Nursyahbani Katjasungkana (wakil dari kebijakan.
Diskusi sesi 2: "Perlindungan bagi para perempuan pekerja HAM dan Perdamaian". Pembicara: Ade Rostina Sitompul, Yusan Yeblo, Galuh Wandita.
Kamis, 09 Agustus 2007
Yosepha Alomang
"Many people speak of freedom. But what is freedom for Papuans? Freedom is when people are educated, when people are free from poverty and sufferings. That is freedom in our language."
Yosepha Alomang (born 1950) is a true human rights defender who fights for the right of indigenous peoples to reclaim the titles of their land in Timika from Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc., a multinational mining company. Human rights violations are rampant in Timika and Yosepha has been detained several times for protesting either against the mining company or the military that backs it up. She chairs the Mama Yosepha Center, which provides counseling to women and empowers women’s groups.
Yosepha Alomang is a simple woman from the Mimika district in Papua, where her Amungme tribes people live. She is physically small, but she has bravely stood up to powerful interest groups in defense of her people’s right to their land. Yosepha lived with her family in Tsinga village, Tembagapura, Mimika, a hillside area, until the mid-1950s, when a local church that provided health and education in the remote areas of Papua encouraged them to move near the south coast.
As a little girl, Yosepha went to elementary school, but she dropped out in the fourth grade after the death of her parents. She recalls her first encounter with Freeport McMoran, the world’s biggest gold mine, located in Timika. It was in 1967. She was 17, too young to understand what was going on. But when she thinks about it now, she says: “They took our land. They didn’t even ask our permission. I was just a young girl. I remember my father gave them the land.” The naïve Amungme people did not know that that it would be the beginning of decades of suffering as their once pristine natural environment would slowly deteriorate.
She vividly recalls the day Freeport came. “One day, a group of men came to our house. They talked with my parents. I hardly remember their conversation. They were warning my father to follow the company’s request. They said if we wanted to eat well, we had to make sure that they could eat well also.” About a dozen men and several tribal leaders agreed to deal with the company and left their land, but many refused. Those who refused faced arrest and torture by the state apparatus, but many were killed or chased away to live in the forests. Yosepha says of the state and non-state actors: “They came and killed our people.” At that time nobody cared about the fate of the Amungmes. “I don’t understand why the Indonesian government could be so harsh,” she says.
The situation today is different. “Today, Papuans know about human rights. I even got an award for human rights (the Goldman Prize),” says Yosepha. But her work continues. “I still work to defend the indigenous people’s rights. I’ve seen many other organizations emerging here, but not a single person dares to go against the government like me. But I am not going to be here forever. Somebody has to replace me later. We all have dreams to follow, but we have to be strong and stand up for our rights.”Her resolve has been tested for decades. In the early 1970s, she was detained for organizing her tribe to protest against what the unfair occupation of their land. A part of the land mined by Freeport is a hill that the tribes’ ancestors consider to be sacred. Freeport cut into it to mine copper, causing irreparable damage and years of pain and suffering. “Many women were raped and families lost their loved ones," Yosepha reports. "I was protesting these crimes. I went to jail several times. Once I was detained for a month in a container van by the military. General Sutrisno released me when he visited Papua for a mission. I just can’t sit still seeing oppression against my people,” she declares.
Yosepha and her group kept up their protests and even sued the company in court for destroying their land. She believed that this way she could motivate many other people to act. And she was vindicated. In 1976, a big riot occurred in a Freeport site in Tembagapura, a mining town. The protesters burned down a factory. The melee served as a wakeup call for the government, which finally began to realize that something was wrong. At the time, Yosepha had already become “public enemy number one” to those who were disturbed by her activism.She recalls that one night, she and her husband were dragged out of bed by soldiers. “We were tortured like animals, beaten up and degraded with vile language,“ she was quoted as saying in a report on human rights violations in Timika prepared by Jayapura bishop Monsignior Herman, OFM.
For two weeks, Yosefa and her husband, Markus Kwalik, were detained in a room fill with human feces. Tortures and other degarding treatment failed to bring her down. She continued to organize women to protest against the large-scale mining that had ruined their culture, environment and health. She organized a group of mothers for human rights. These informal groups met regularly. Down the road, the groups organized into a network called Yahamak, an NGO.Yosepha is reluctant to talk about politics. She does not regard what she is doing for her tribe in Timika as political work. She would rather talk about freedom. “Many people speak of freedom. But what is freedom for Papuans? Freedom is when people are educated, when people are free from poverty and sufferings. That’s freedom in our language.”
Besides Yamahak, Yosepha also helped set up Lemasa (Amungme Tribal Council), an NGO working on human rights and indigenous issues. Yosepha is the first and only woman to work with Lemasa. She received much media publicity in 1994 when she served as the spokesperson of the Amungme tribespeople in their first major negotiation with Freeport. On behalf of her people, she filed a lawsuit against the company in a US court damanding that Freeport close its operations in Timika. But her effort was unsuccessful. Yosepha couldn’t win, even in a provincial court.Today, Yahamak is continuing the work of the women’s groups which Yosepha organized in Timika in the late 70’s.
There are 28 groups and more than 600 women that have joined her network of local women’s organizations. They work to protect the environment and traditional culture, health, education and sustainable economic development projects. Yamahak has also opened a meeting place for indigenous people called the Mama Yosepha Center. The center was built from the compensation fund received by the community from Freeport’s stockholders, which was a result of Yosepha’s visit to the United States to meet with them.
Yosepha is a member of the Dewan Adat (Indigenous Council), a group of stakeholders working out issues arising from a move by Jakarta to give special autonomy to Papua. “I don’t really understand it. We don’t know how they are going to integrate this kind of autonomy into our development. We have to know for sure the benefits of this autonomy to the Papuan people,” she says to explain the relevance of the council. She can be very critical and sharp tongued. Once, when she was negotiating with the local government, she threw a dustbin at a former Bupati (district head), and told him to clean it up. “I wanted the Bupati to come down to earth and understand the people. If they can’t clean their own house, how can they clean other people’s houses? If they can’t manage the district, they should go back and work as farmers in the field. Back to the ground.”
Yosepha has many dreams for Papuan women, and she knows that for these to become reality, the people must pull together. “We have to gather our strength, work together. By working together we could face anything in our way. We also have to learn and understand and make peace with other people outside Papua. We don’t want Papuan women to be threatened, killed or excluded.”
"Many people speak of freedom. But what is freedom for Papuans? Freedom is when people are educated, when people are free from poverty and sufferings. That is freedom in our language."
Yosepha Alomang (born 1950) is a true human rights defender who fights for the right of indigenous peoples to reclaim the titles of their land in Timika from Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc., a multinational mining company. Human rights violations are rampant in Timika and Yosepha has been detained several times for protesting either against the mining company or the military that backs it up. She chairs the Mama Yosepha Center, which provides counseling to women and empowers women’s groups.
Yosepha Alomang is a simple woman from the Mimika district in Papua, where her Amungme tribes people live. She is physically small, but she has bravely stood up to powerful interest groups in defense of her people’s right to their land. Yosepha lived with her family in Tsinga village, Tembagapura, Mimika, a hillside area, until the mid-1950s, when a local church that provided health and education in the remote areas of Papua encouraged them to move near the south coast.
As a little girl, Yosepha went to elementary school, but she dropped out in the fourth grade after the death of her parents. She recalls her first encounter with Freeport McMoran, the world’s biggest gold mine, located in Timika. It was in 1967. She was 17, too young to understand what was going on. But when she thinks about it now, she says: “They took our land. They didn’t even ask our permission. I was just a young girl. I remember my father gave them the land.” The naïve Amungme people did not know that that it would be the beginning of decades of suffering as their once pristine natural environment would slowly deteriorate.
She vividly recalls the day Freeport came. “One day, a group of men came to our house. They talked with my parents. I hardly remember their conversation. They were warning my father to follow the company’s request. They said if we wanted to eat well, we had to make sure that they could eat well also.” About a dozen men and several tribal leaders agreed to deal with the company and left their land, but many refused. Those who refused faced arrest and torture by the state apparatus, but many were killed or chased away to live in the forests. Yosepha says of the state and non-state actors: “They came and killed our people.” At that time nobody cared about the fate of the Amungmes. “I don’t understand why the Indonesian government could be so harsh,” she says.
The situation today is different. “Today, Papuans know about human rights. I even got an award for human rights (the Goldman Prize),” says Yosepha. But her work continues. “I still work to defend the indigenous people’s rights. I’ve seen many other organizations emerging here, but not a single person dares to go against the government like me. But I am not going to be here forever. Somebody has to replace me later. We all have dreams to follow, but we have to be strong and stand up for our rights.”Her resolve has been tested for decades. In the early 1970s, she was detained for organizing her tribe to protest against what the unfair occupation of their land. A part of the land mined by Freeport is a hill that the tribes’ ancestors consider to be sacred. Freeport cut into it to mine copper, causing irreparable damage and years of pain and suffering. “Many women were raped and families lost their loved ones," Yosepha reports. "I was protesting these crimes. I went to jail several times. Once I was detained for a month in a container van by the military. General Sutrisno released me when he visited Papua for a mission. I just can’t sit still seeing oppression against my people,” she declares.
Yosepha and her group kept up their protests and even sued the company in court for destroying their land. She believed that this way she could motivate many other people to act. And she was vindicated. In 1976, a big riot occurred in a Freeport site in Tembagapura, a mining town. The protesters burned down a factory. The melee served as a wakeup call for the government, which finally began to realize that something was wrong. At the time, Yosepha had already become “public enemy number one” to those who were disturbed by her activism.She recalls that one night, she and her husband were dragged out of bed by soldiers. “We were tortured like animals, beaten up and degraded with vile language,“ she was quoted as saying in a report on human rights violations in Timika prepared by Jayapura bishop Monsignior Herman, OFM.
For two weeks, Yosefa and her husband, Markus Kwalik, were detained in a room fill with human feces. Tortures and other degarding treatment failed to bring her down. She continued to organize women to protest against the large-scale mining that had ruined their culture, environment and health. She organized a group of mothers for human rights. These informal groups met regularly. Down the road, the groups organized into a network called Yahamak, an NGO.Yosepha is reluctant to talk about politics. She does not regard what she is doing for her tribe in Timika as political work. She would rather talk about freedom. “Many people speak of freedom. But what is freedom for Papuans? Freedom is when people are educated, when people are free from poverty and sufferings. That’s freedom in our language.”
Besides Yamahak, Yosepha also helped set up Lemasa (Amungme Tribal Council), an NGO working on human rights and indigenous issues. Yosepha is the first and only woman to work with Lemasa. She received much media publicity in 1994 when she served as the spokesperson of the Amungme tribespeople in their first major negotiation with Freeport. On behalf of her people, she filed a lawsuit against the company in a US court damanding that Freeport close its operations in Timika. But her effort was unsuccessful. Yosepha couldn’t win, even in a provincial court.Today, Yahamak is continuing the work of the women’s groups which Yosepha organized in Timika in the late 70’s.
There are 28 groups and more than 600 women that have joined her network of local women’s organizations. They work to protect the environment and traditional culture, health, education and sustainable economic development projects. Yamahak has also opened a meeting place for indigenous people called the Mama Yosepha Center. The center was built from the compensation fund received by the community from Freeport’s stockholders, which was a result of Yosepha’s visit to the United States to meet with them.
Yosepha is a member of the Dewan Adat (Indigenous Council), a group of stakeholders working out issues arising from a move by Jakarta to give special autonomy to Papua. “I don’t really understand it. We don’t know how they are going to integrate this kind of autonomy into our development. We have to know for sure the benefits of this autonomy to the Papuan people,” she says to explain the relevance of the council. She can be very critical and sharp tongued. Once, when she was negotiating with the local government, she threw a dustbin at a former Bupati (district head), and told him to clean it up. “I wanted the Bupati to come down to earth and understand the people. If they can’t clean their own house, how can they clean other people’s houses? If they can’t manage the district, they should go back and work as farmers in the field. Back to the ground.”
Yosepha has many dreams for Papuan women, and she knows that for these to become reality, the people must pull together. “We have to gather our strength, work together. By working together we could face anything in our way. We also have to learn and understand and make peace with other people outside Papua. We don’t want Papuan women to be threatened, killed or excluded.”
Postcards of the Indonesian Peacewomen
This is the postcard that will be display on September exhibition.
Further information on profile of the women, please visit http://www.1000peacewomen.org/
Senin, 06 Agustus 2007
1000 Peacewomen Accross The Globe

Coming Up Soon
The Face of
1000 PeaceWomen Accross the Globe
Exhibition, Discussion and Film Screening
6 - 12 September 2007
Gedung Arsip Nasional
The Face of
1000 PeaceWomen Accross the Globe
Exhibition, Discussion and Film Screening
6 - 12 September 2007
Gedung Arsip Nasional
Jl Gajah Mada, Setelah Gajah Mada Plaza
Please meet and greet with women Leaders in Indonesia.
More information soon!!!
Please email indonesia1000peacewomen@yahoo.com for more information.
The Committee
Please meet and greet with women Leaders in Indonesia.
More information soon!!!
Please email indonesia1000peacewomen@yahoo.com for more information.
The Committee
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